
[fjúžn] vám prináša anglický stand–up a hudobný stand-up, all in one! Zabávať vás budú Diana Rennerova, Petra Von Pressburg a Nasi.

When was the last time you had a good laugh in English? That answer is up to you, but we can definitely tell you when the next time will be – when you visit the Joke’s On You comedy show at GRAPE festival. Joke’s On You is a comedy platform that provides an opportunity for both performers and fans to enjoy English Stand Up Comedy in Europe. The collective started in Bratislava in 2017 and has since held more than 200 events all across Europe. Joke’s On You aims to expand the stand up comedy scene in Europe, by consistently providing good quality, affordable and unique shows to its audience.

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Rastlinné terária s Lab.Cafe

Lab.cafe / Lab.dielňa v Novej Tržnici

Rastlinné teráriá prinesú kúsok prírody do každej domácnosti. Príďte si vytvoriť tento parádny doplnok na workshop, kde vás všetko potrebné naučíme.